Sunday, 8 January 2012

So close.....

....but still so far a cliche I know! But it really sums up how I'm feeling right now. This shop business is a uphill struggle! I still haven't found out if I'm going to get the shop, my offer was accepted but that still depends on the references. Which the bank for one said they didn't do! Cue 6 hours over 2 days spend in the bank arguing that they do do it, its on their website that they do and their own customer service tells me they do! And all this wasted time means someone else might get in there with a better offer and nab it first! Grrr.

On a happier note, the money for the deposit has almost been raised! Just another £250 to go and we are there!!! Wooohooo! Im getting all excited and making a list (and checking it twice... not quite out of Christmas mode yet!) of who I would like to stock in the shop, taking into consideration that they might not want to join in the fun so I'm making it HUGE so there will be enough. The local press is also interested and I've barely begun!

Please keep your fingers crossed for me, hopefully I'll find out this week.

In the meantime there's still a little money to be saved and all purchases go towards the deposit fund, and I'm having a clear out of crafty bits I no longer use, most have never left the packets so the other half is happy its finally leaving the house, so here's some links that may be of interest ;) of course! There is still a sale on until tomorrow. Lots of vintage crockery thats just waiting to be filled with candles and sent off to a new home

And a whole heap of destash thats just crying to be loved!

Maryann xx

Sunday, 1 January 2012

New year, new opportunities

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a immensely fun new years eve? With new year comes new hope and new opportunities. This year I'm hoping I will have the opportunity to open a gorgeous little high street shop! I've made a offer and its been accepted. All I've to do now is get the deposit together - yes I know that should have come first, but hey, I'm not known for being organized lol. 
And decide exactly what I would like to put in this shop, I am rather keen on the phrase "bringing handmade to the high street" and that exactly what I would like to do, a unique collection of products you just can't buy anywhere else. As well as being a working craft shop with workshops and guest classes.
But I can't make everything myself can I? And I know alot of you are crafters. So... how about....
Renting shelves!   I'm not entirely sure of the hows whats and whys?
What would you expect to pay for it?
Would you expect to pay commission on sold items as well?
Would you prefer sale or return?
Would you be interested in the first place?
Would it be ethical of me to be selective?
Im sure theres alot more im going to ask, but I’d really appreciate it if you would help me bash out some ideas here?