Friday 9 March 2012

A day of change and relaxation

Well today I skived off work, taking advantage of one of the last opportunities i'm going to get to do that! I went to meet with the new landlord to chat about a few things and get a moving in date!! Thats it, its definitely happening, no backing out now! And I wanted to get some photo's so I have something to refer to when planning the decoration and shelving placement. Exiting times! Do you want to see? Well of course you do, and im going to show you even if you don't because I am pretty excited about it! Although the photos aren't very good, they were taken on my little point and shoot and make the place look smaller than it is. And the decor is really rather dodgy right now. But all that can be fixed! 

Other side upstairs

Downstairs, even more of those "lovely" colours

My creating area will be at the back there

Towards the front door, there is a back door to leading to a tiny little court yard, im thinking some flowers and a little table out there for coffee time! And to top it all I had the local paper ringing me this afternoon to do my interview about the place! The photographer will be out on monday :D

After all this mornings excitement the small person and I decided we would get all messy with some painting, its not often I get to sit and just mess about like that so that was rather lovely!

Back to work tomorrow! 


  1. I am made up for you! Well done :D
    pee ess the colours aren't hat bad.. ;)


  2. It's looking great! I love quirky spaces. And SO glad this has all happened for you. It's been fun watching your progress.
